I got my Novice in Aug. 1962. Now over 50 years in Ham Radio, wow! Played with RTTY before computers. Remember the smell of the old grease in the Model 14 and rolling up paper tape from the reperf in a figure eight.

Have always been interested in electronics. Mess with the equipment more than talk on the radio. Studied electronics in High School and in the Navy. Was an Electronics Technician Radar and then a Reactor Operator on submarines while in the Navy.

I'm retired after 31 years with Motorola and then Freescale Semiconductor. Ended up as a Software Engineer designing database and web applications for a 200 person Division. Now, still enjoy programming and am also into R/C Planes and Helicopters.


Latest News

  • Thurs 20-Nov-14
    • Just ran across a copy of QST Magazine for July 1975. That issue has an article written by my then wife, Wendy - WN7WEO. She didn't tell me she had written and submitted it for publication. Just handed me the pre-release copy of the magazine. Was I surprised ! 
      Kinda wish I had had a chance to help edit the technical aspects, but probably better this way. :-)
      Besides getting her Novice, she also served as Secretary for the Arizona Repeater Association during the same time I was on the Board of Directors.
      Towards the begining of our relationship she came over to the house one day and very proudly demonstrated she had learned the morse code. Problem was though, she had learned the American Morse code out of a dictionary, not the International Morse code ham radio uses. Boy, I sure LOL. She was sooo proud. :)
  • Thu 24-Jul-14
    • Moved this content to a new shared server. This server has a more protected environment and should not be as susceptable to slowdown by other accounts.
  • Sat 1-Feb-14
    • Flex Radio just published SmartSDR v1.1 which supports 8 Panadapters and 8 Slices (receivers) on the Flex 6700. See a snapshot (link at left) of mine with all 8 running.
  • Mon 20-Jan-14
    • Have published projects from my Raspberry Pi computer. See link at left
  • Mon 25-Feb-12
    • Updated the SARBA links page:
      - Added Moonset over Phoenix animation.
      - Added links to Towers Mountain Remote 360 degree views.
  • Wed 5-Dec-12
  • Mon 27-Aug-12
    • Created this Ham Radio page.

Last Update: November 20, 2014     Contact: Webmaster