You need to scroll left and right and up and down to see the whole thing. The software (SmartSDR) is really coming together. Starting to make this a fun radio.

Each Receiver (they call it a Slice (of the RF spectrum, I guess)) has a digital audio channel that can be accessed by other programs (for PSK31, RTTY, etc.).
Since it's on the network, those other programs can even be on other computers.

The radio supports up to 4 Digital-IQ channels, each can be as much as 192 Kbps sample, with 384 Kbps total. Also on the network (mulitple computers possible).

They also provide virtual COM ports with a program called SmartCAT. Also on the network so programs (logging, etc.) even on other computers (on the LAN) can get and set freq, mode, etc.

Flex 6700